
Friday, April 5, 2024




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Bykhov district court:

December-- Zalman Mordukhov SHEINMAN, sold a wooden house with a building, located in the city of Bkhov on Bobruiskaya St, to Bykov resident, Hiller/Giller Leyvikov GOLD for 200 R.

House built by Bykhov resident, Mendel Neukhov LANDO, sold for 300 R.


Mogilev city police dept. 

was searching for owners of horses taken from Mogilev tradesman, Leiba KAGAN, a black gelding, 19 yrs old, black tail.

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Regarding a lawsuit regarding the violation of the contract for hiring workers--peasants for tying & cutting timber. Names mentioned: Elyu Khaimov GUREVICH, Rechitsky 3rd guild merchant; Elyu GINZBURG. Gurevich sued the members of the Yamninsky rural administration for damages.

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Chausy district court:

Auction deadline was set for 22 Feb for a legal re-auction sale of a wooden house & land which had belonged to the Chaussky tradesman Itsk Yusilev RASKIN, valued at 36 R. In the claim, his nephew, Dovyd RASKIN set value as 40 R.

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         Buyout Contracts

Minsk Provincial Govt announced an auction to be held on 19 July 1865 of property (stone house, wooden outbuildings & land) which had belonged to Minsk tradesman, Borukh Itskov RYVKIN, who had died.


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Called to court, Leib Simonov SHMERLING, for a hearing related to a decision on a case regarding a house, involving tradesman Ruvin OLKHOVSKY


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    Regarding Inability to Pay Fees: Appeals

The Chaussky city magistrate announced that a Jewish farmer from a village in the Goretsky district, Izroil Lazarev SHESTAKOV, declared himself insolvent to pay appeal fees of 3 R., 60 kop. when he transferred his case for audit from the magistrate to the chamber of the criminal court. The case was about beatings he suffered by a Jew named DIAMONT.

    Calls, Auctions, Houses, Estate Sales, etc.

Mogilev chamber of civil court summoned Movshe Aryev GOLOSOVKER to appear.

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1 Mar 1865, Vitebsk provincial govt: auction for sale of house in part 1 of the city of Vitebsk, quarter 1, #405 Bibkin Lane, valued at 660 R. The house, with its buildings, belonged to the widow of Abram ZALMUNIKOV, Rivka Abramova, & to his children, Zalman & Simon ZALMUNIKOV. It was sold to pay off various arrears, collections, & private debts, totaling 34 6 R 74 kop, with interest. (also i 24)


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    Regarding Losses

The Mogilev City Duma searched for the passport lost by Yankel Getselev BALTER, issued to him from the Duma on 24 Nov 1864, #2365, for a period of one year. His features were: 47 yrs old, ave. height, hair & eyebrows brown & grey, grey eyes, "moderate nose & mouth, ordinary chin", clean face, grey beard hair.

Mstislavl district police dept looked for a ticket lost by private Aizik Fridmanov RAIKHLIN, issued to him 15 Sept 1864 by the Mogilev provincial battalion, for 6 months, under an "incapacity", article 1, in order to recover his health.

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Count Yuliy Feliksov Strutinsky & his ex-wife, Friderika Bogdanova, were indebted to many & various persons, including: Berdichev 3rd guild merchant Khatskel ZILBERSTEYN, Orsha townsman Yankel Dovydov RAPOPORT, Zhitomir merchant's son, Yusel-Meer Pinkhusov VANSHTEIN, Kiev merchant Alexander GORNSHTYN, Berdichev Jew Sholom Gershenov BASSIS, Berdichev merchants Chaim & Zalman NEHAMKIS, Starokonstan-Tinovsky resident Abo Meerov TSUKERMAN. Court decision 9 Dec 1864.

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Simon Shaev IDELMANT summoned to appear in the Mogilev civil court chamber to hear court's decision on his case involving a house, with tradesman Ruvin OLKHOVSKY.


On 8 March, a house, located in the city of Mogilev, was to be sold by the Mogilev district court at public auction. Part of the land belonged to Mogilev tradesman, Meer Shmerkov TSOTKIN, who failed to pay bills of 7000 R, in a timely manner. This was recorded by the Kharkov office, having been presented by Tsotkin to the Warsaw 1st guild of the merchant Mordukh MINKIN. It was valued at 60 R.



22 December, Sale of house in city of Mstislavl by resident Benyumin Movshov, SHAPIRO to Goretsky resident Yusil Smugelev GENODIY for 250 R.

The Orsha district court announced that the 1865 letter issued by the 2nd guild merchant, Shmuil Aizikov GESHELZON, to the Goretsky local citizen, Izroel Yankelevish PEYSAKHZON, after the death of the priest Piotrovsky, was declared void on 18 Jan 1865.


Cherikov City Magistrate summoned Cherikov townspeople Zalman LEYVIKOV & his wife Genya Girshova ROSINBERKHOV, Ita Gitlya Shlemova LIBERMANOVA, Yesel Khaim Girshov LIBERMAN, Zalman Zalmonov ROSINBERKH, merchant Mordukh Leybov FRIDBURG, or their attorneys, or, in the event of death, their heirs, in the case of debts owed to various persons from the deceased Cherikov citizen Girsha Abramov LIBERMAN. The hearing of the decision occurred 21 Oct 1864.

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The Mogilev provincial govt. ordered an auction on the 13 March, with rebidding on the following 3 days, for the sale of furniture by Yudki GUREVICH, valued at 11 R 50 kup.

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Minsk provincial govt. announced the pending estate sale of landowner Vladislav Iosifov Polonsky with some exceptions:

--Land & forest for permanent use by the peasants

--To Yankel CHERTOV, a Minsk Jew, 1500 R

--To Jewish townsmen of Minsk: Srol Itskov POLYAK, 2000 R, Abel Shevelovich GOLDBERG & Movsha Shmuilov Topaz, 1,000 R, Yankel CHERTOV, 600 R, Elle Yankelev KUGELY 1800 R, Abram Vulfovich FREYNKEL 500 R, Aizik Abramov LESNIK 755 R, Abram Elev PREIS 1200 R, Yusel Izrelyuvich TSUKERMAN 9, Itsk Beniyaminov BENZMAN 360 R, Shai Shmuilov MORSHAK 1825 R, Koidanovsky Jew Srol Yuselev GUTNER 775 R,