
Thursday, August 4, 2016


For those of you who are interested in Moscow's Jewish community, I am including a translated (Google Translator) of information that was available on a site in 2012. The information is related to data available in the Moscow archives. The link is no longer functioning.

CIAM, f. 2372, 33 units. Mts., 1870-1915
            Books for records of births of Jews in Moscow (1873 to 1875) and the district towns of the Moscow Province. (From 1897) to record brakosochetavshihsya Jews in Moscow (from 1874) and the district towns of the Moscow Province. (From 1897) to record razvedshihsya Jews in Moscow (from 1874) to record the deaths of Jews in Moscow (from 1885) and the district towns of the Moscow Province. (From 1899). Books Registered: marriage (1870-1880), deaths (1870-1891) and divorces (1874-1901), born (1876-1905).

Moscow Jewish community (1866-1919)
CIAM, f. 1455, 112 units. Mts., 1904-1927
Emerged in the context. 60's - early. 70s. XIX century. In April. 1917 Commercial for the board for the Jewish prayer facilities commission was created by the reorganization of the Moscow Jewish community, whose duties included the development of the Regulation on MEO Board (the governing body of the community) and the holding of elections in its composition. Board of MEO (Va'ad) has started its work in October. In 1917 it acted in the socio-economic, fiscal, legal, cultural, educational, religious, statistical and other commissions (departments) dealing with "the Jewish Income Tax", the members of MEO supply food aid to Jewish refugees, Jewish organizations schools and libraries, guided tours and children's parties, etc. In order to resolve civil disputes between members of the community was created by conciliatory arbitration court. Board of MEO was closed in June 1919 by order of the Commissariat for Jewish national affairs.
Minutes of meetings of representatives of the Moscow Jewish community and political organizations on the issue of reorganization of the community (April - October. 1917). Documents (draft provisions to punish the general assembly instructions) to develop a position on the Board of MEO (1917-1918). Polling cards for the election to the Board of MEO (1917). Brochures in the Hebrew language organization "Freedom and Tradition", the program of the Jewish Social-Democratic Labour Party "Poalei Zion", the Moscow Committee of United Jewish Socialist Workers' Party (1917). Pre-election campaign appeals, posters, lists of candidates, declarations of various Jewish organizations in Moscow. The mandates of the fractions for the presence of delegates to the electoral office during an election in the MEO, minutes of meetings of the Commission on Elections (Sept. - Oct. 1917). The program and charter of the company, "Tora Vodaat", the minutes of its meetings, lists of members of the public fund accounts and correspondence with the Commissariat for Jewish Affairs of the People's Commissariat of the national reorganization of schools in the community, gathering information on the composition of students (1917 - Aug. 1918) and others Instructions on the application of the provisions of the Jewish communal income tax treatment of MEO with an appeal board to pay communal income taxes (1918). Minutes of meetings of legal and cultural-educational commissions, religious department MEO, a committee to assist the Jewish victims of pogroms. The resolution of protest against the anti-Jewish pogroms in Warsaw, Lvov and other cities. Lists of persons who have made money for the victims of the massacre (1918).Tables of births and deaths of the Jewish population in Moscow in 1870-1917 years. [1918]. Description of the playground at St. Bahmetevskoy. Grove in the Marina. Photo of children.

CIAM, f. 1457, 76 units. Mts., 1893-1918
This Rabbi Frenkel Maze admission to Nicholas II delegation from the Jewish prayer institutions (December 1914). Evidence for the burial of persons of Jewish faith, issued by private bailiffs in Moscow (1898-1900, 1909-1917). Registration cards newborns issued by the Moscow Public Rabbi Frenkel Maze (1899-1910). Certificates and licenses issued by the rabbis, government agencies and non-Jewish groups to enter into marriage, petition for issuance of marriage certificates (1908-1917). Petitions filed by the Moscow rabbi on the rite of divorce, birth registration, marriage (1902-1917). Birth certificates (1901-1009). Notification of the Office of Mayor of Moscow, the Moscow provincial government of Moscow Rabbi Ya Maze of the passage of persons of Jewish faith in the Orthodox faith (1913-1914). Applications of different persons Moscow governor on the reverse transition to the Jewish faith and identity of the Moscow rabbi with the consent of the transition (1906-1912). Correspondence with the rabbi of the Moscow district headquarters of the Moscow Military District Moscow provincial government, the Moscow city government on allegations of rights of inheritance, the soldiers leave for the holidays, help, etc. (1899-1917). Correspondence with the rabbi of the Moscow hospitals, individuals on the rite of naming (1905-1908).Invitations and agenda sent to Rabbi Frenkel Maze at the swearing in of young soldiers and witnesses in court cases of the Jewish faith (1910). Requests the Moscow provincial prison inspection Moscow rabbi about the content of books in the Hebrew language, which may be allowed to read punitive (1913-1914). Notifications Moscow Gubernia Prison Inspectorate Moscow rabbi for permission to transfer the prisoners to the Jews Easter Products (1914). Letter from the Head of the Moscow city hall infirmary Colonel Shtankova Rabbi Frenkel Maze with a request to deliver the dishes of Jewish cuisine are on healing the lower ranks of the Jewish faith (1914). Petitions of prisoners in the name of Rabbi Frenkel Maze to grant them material aid (1914-1915). Letter from the Director Rumyantsev Yu.V. Library Gauthier Rabbi Frenkel Maze of the commission to review "Jewish Department" libraries (1918).

UTILITY BOARD FOR A Jewish prayer INSTITUTIONS (1894 - [1929])
CIAM, f. 1456, 331 units. Mts., 1870-1929
Rules of the election board was developed in 1893 and approved by the Moscow chief of police in July 1894 (f. 1457, op. 1, 68). Created to organize and coordinate the activities of the Moscow synagogue, private chapels and MEO to conduct financial, accounting and business affairs. In addition to the main synagogue in Moscow in the conduct of government was a Jewish cemetery in Dorogomilovskaya Gate, mikvah (bath for Jews), Jewish trade school, a shelter for poor Jews, the organization of Easter gifts, including and for the soldiers of Jewish faith.

Minutes of meetings of the Board (since 1895), annual reports (since 1905), reports on the status of vocational school and the school's Shelter (1893, 1894), about teaching the poor children of the Jews under the authority of the rabbinate of Moscow (1909-1912). Reports mikvah (1910, 1916, 1918). Correspondence with the Office of the Chief of Police of Moscow, the Moscow mayor and others to close the main synagogue in 1892 and its secondary opening in 1906 (1892-1907), the discovery of cheap dining, approval of the charter Orphan House (1894-1908 ), the needy, the number of existing and opening new houses of worship. Correspondence with the governor of Moscow to establish fees for certain rituals, for permission to reside in Moscow, people with religious qualifications, the acquisition of land for the expansion of the Jewish cemetery (1906-1916). Correspondence with the Ministry of Interior to open in Moscow, the Jewish Vocational School (1910-1912), exemption from military service synagogue cantor, RF Melamed (1916). Correspondence with the commanders of regiments, the chairman of the special meeting on the food business, owners of the organization of Easter gifts, sending the necessary products for Passover (1912-1918). Thank-you letter from the head of the rule of hospitals for the wounded soldiers of the provincial committee of the Moscow All-Russian Zemstvo Union for sending products (1915). Photo wounded a Jewish hospital (1915-1916). Parish registers Abelskaya Jewish society at the Novo-Alexandrov. Kovno Gubernia. Jews for recording births, brakosochetavshihsya, razvedshihsya who died (1881-1907, 1915). Certificate for the commercial trading company, issued by the Moscow Provincial Treasury (1913). Welcome telegram to the Provisional Government of the Board, the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies (1917). Petition representatives of MED to the chairman of the CPC and the CLD LB Kamenev with a request to suspend the deportation of Jews and review lists of deportees (1924), etc.

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