
Thursday, January 11, 2024


 GARF: F. 124, Inv. 12, Case 1193a: 

Case regarding detainees who attended a Dvinsk Bund meeting on February 28, 1903 [ proceedings were in March 1905]

"A Bund meeting was held at Lyak's house on Kuznechnaya St., Dvinsk".

    **note: no other information is available!!**

Included below are the names & ages for the individuals:

1. Schneerson Rebekkah Yakovlevna, 22

2. Schneerson Eliog (?) Abramov, 25

3. Gresselberg Abram-Gessel Wulfov, 23

4. Dembo Schneier Srolev, 17

5. Slezinger Noson Voselev-Abelev, 18

6. Krol Mostov Ioselev, 19

7. Kizberg Abram Leizerov, 18

8. Meierov Shevel-Zelik Shliomoiv, 17

9. Katz Sora Getsileva, 22

10. Pliskin Shevel Davidov, 21

11. Aronovich Ester-Diska Samoilkova, 18

12. Berezina Alta-Khaska Borukhova, 17

13. Vinokur Itka Khaimovna-Ioseleva, 18

14. Garber Khasya Moteleva, 17

15. Glazman Sora-Riva Khaimova-Aroniova, 17

16. Glik Etka Shmuilova-Borukhova, 17

17. Grubina Leya-Dina Nokhumova, 18

18. Gutman Gitel Yankeleva, 19

19. Itsikman Malka Itsikova-Moisheva, 15

20. Ioffe Meikhel Isserov, 16

21. Kagan Abram-Movsha Melikhov, 17

22. Kurland/Kourland Dveyra Davidova, 19

23. Kurland/Kourland Khava Lazareva-Neukhova, 20

24. Lapidus Iosel Abelev, 16

25. Lyubovich Etka Movsheva, 17

26. Mamin Sholom-Yankel Movshev-Borukhov, 16

27. Milner Belka/Beila Kusheleva, 19

28. Premza Sonya Lvova, 21

29. Strunina Khiena Davidova, 16

30. Fine/Fayn Frada Moteleva, 18

31. Fliter Maryasya Shmuleva, 17

32. Fonarev Movsha-Girsh Leibov, 17

33. Fridland Khava Leibova, 20

34. Tzadkina Beila Nokhumova, 15

35. Shteyn Rokha Girsheva, 17

36. Bik Veniamin Nokhimov-Mendelev, 18

37. Sing Yosel-Leiba Nokhumov-Mendelev, 18

38. Vysokolskiy David Leibov, 19

39. Goldshteyn Yosel Leizerov, 18

40. Gordon David Ioselev, 22

41. Gofung Berel-Zelik Yudelev, 19

42. Gofung Gersh-Leizer Yudelev, 17

43. Gurvich Yankel Ovseev, 19

44. Deych/Deitch David Leiov, 17

45. Dobrusin Evel Itskov, 21

46. Katzel Zelik Abramov, 18

47. Kellem Movsha Ruvinov, 21

48. Leibovich Abe Khaimov, 17

49. Margolis Bentzian Zalmanov, 27

50. Naygus Leizer Shlomov-Itsikov, 19

51. Neyslos Ilya Aronov-Abramov, 18

52. Ozernikov Itska Khaimov, 18

53. Potash Movsha-Mikhel Meerov-Ioselev, 19

54. Ravdin Erukhim Itsikov, 19

55. Rogalsky Nison Abeloev, 16

56. Rumak Borukh Shliomov, 22

57. Sirotinsky Bentzian Leizerov, 26

58. Skutelsky Ruvin Mantzikov (?), 19

59. Skuy David-Ruvin Shmuylov, 25

60. Smotkin Shlioma Neukhov, 19

61. Treger Khatskel Efroimov-Leibov, 16

62. Uzdin Oser Vulfov, 17

63. Fayn/Fine Mendel Movshev, 19

64. Feldman Abram-Abel Motelev, 17

65. Finig Solomon Itskov, 17

66. Fischer Berka Beynesov, 17

67. Fliter Berka Ioselev-Simkhov, 18

68. Fridland Itska-Genoch Yankelev, 19

69. Khaid Itska-Simon Leibov-Berkov, 21

70. Chipek Khaim Izrailev, 17

71. Shapiro Faivish Pinkhusov, 20

72. Shpaer Nakhman Lipov, 17

73. Shuntup Silem-Borukh Simeonov-Yankelev, 19

74. Eydus Zalman Berkov, 26

75. Etin/Etsin Abram Borukhov, 17

76. Yakovlev Rakhmiel-Movsha Shliomov-Girshev, 21

77. Yakub Iosel Leibov-Yudelev, 17

78. Milonchik Abram Ioselev, 23 

79. Notel Abramov Avin, 23

80. Gliog Schneerson

81.Pokroy Leiba Mikhelev-Notkov, 22

82. Orukh Yakov Abramov, 23


  1. Just curious. Any idea why they were detained? This was before the revolution of 1917 so names like that of this city had three versions - Russian, German and maybe Polish- but who actually governed the area - and why would Russia have detained them?


  2. My guess is that Bund meetings were considered a political threat.

  3. The bund was a jewish socialist party in Russia

  4. Ideology
    The Bund was a left-wing socialist party that advocated far-reaching democracy and the socialization of the means of production , and followed the tradition of democratic Marxism . The Bund advocated national-cultural autonomy for Eastern European Jewry, the creation of a secular educational system, and supported the development of culture in the Yiddish language . Members of the Bund believed that thanks to this, Jews would not assimilate and would maintain their cultural identity. The Bund was an anti-religious and anti-Zionist party and opposed Jewish emigration to Palestine .

    The Bund put forward the following principles:

    socialism based on secular self-governing communities - kagals ( קהילה )
    Yiddishkeit - based on the Yiddish language as the basis of Jewish identity. Proponents of Yiddish opposed those who tried to revive Hebrew .
    doikait , which means commitment to place of residence (Poland, Lithuania and Russia), expressed in the Bundist slogan “Where we live, there is our country.” The Bundists opposed repatriation to Israel or the creation of a separate state for the Jews. In their opinion, Jews should enjoy extraterritorial autonomy within existing states.
