Monday, May 12, 2014



The information below are sample cases from the TSIAK (Kiev) Archive.

Fund 442 Office of Kiev, Podolsky, & Volyn Governor-general

Fund 442 Inventory 52 110 Case 
About expelled abroad, Moldovan citizen Moshe Kofman. 11.05.1873g. 4 sheets. Case retired

Fund 442 Inventory 52 113 Case 
Expelled abroad Turkish citizen, Royzenshteyn Burke.
 11.03.1873g. 6 sheets. Case retired

Fund 442 Inventory 52 189 Case 
Expelled abroad Turkish citizen, Jew Liechtenstein.
 1874. 6 sheets. Case retired

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 233 
Expelled abroad alien, Jew Shifman.
 16.11.1874g. 7 sheets. Case retired

Fund 442 Inventory 52 380 Case 
Eviction abroad Greek citizen, Weinstein.
 11.09.1874g. 5 sheets Fund 442

Inventory 52 Case 383 
Eviction abroad Moldovan citizen, Abraham Singer. 14.12.1873g. 5 sheets.Case retired 

Fund 442 Inventory 52 384 Case 

Eviction abroad Persian citizen, Georgіya Lazarus Babaev. 11.12.1873g. 5 sheets.

Fund 442 Inventory 41 166 Case 
For otnoshenіyu Minister of Internal Affairs of the Polish-born, Abraham Rosenzweig moved to Radzivilov pm. 4 sheets

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 146 
Exiled to Siberia Jew Rabinovitch return to live in m. Illintsy. 1873. 1 sheet. Case retired

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 185 
Evicted abroad David Gordon and David Bilmut. 1873. 8 sheets. Case retired  

Fund 442 Inventory 52 228 Case 
Podolsky governor about horse thieves, Guntmahera, Orlovsky, Caves and Tchaikovsky (peasants Krivorudy (?) Balta County). 12.08.1875g. 26 sheets  

Fund 442 Inventory 52 265 Case 
Submitted by Podolsky governor to evict Jews abroad, Srul Hopmovicha.30.08.1873g. 3 sheets. Case retired 

Fund 442 Inventory 52 273 case 
On appeal of a Jew, Alter Rosenzweig, exiled abroad.1873. 13 sheets. Case retired 

Fund 442 Inventory 52 315 Case 
On expelled Jew, Іosya Silbermann (smuggler). 21.12.1873g. 6 sheets

of Fund 442 Inventory 52 330 Case 
For predstavlenіyu Podolsky governor of expelled Jew, Chaim Litvak (by the verdict of society from farmers/peasants. Mechetnaya W. Balta County). 15.02.1874g. 8 sheets 

Fund 442 Inventory 52 333 Case 
Submitted by the Governor of Volhynia, expelled Jew, Fisherman (smuggler). 02.08.1876g. 15 sheets

of Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 351 
On expulsion Jew Іosya Golfarba. 1873. 5 sheets. Case retired  

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 356 
On the recommendation of the Podolsky governor-- deportation for smuggling hunting zanyatіe/occupier (?) Gluzman, Fayzilberga, Yagolnitsera (?) and others 13.02.1874g. 8 sheets 

Fund 442 Inventory 52 364 point in the eviction of a Jew, Yankel Sharovka Perel. 04.01.874g. 15 sheets. Case retired 

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 365 On the recommendation of the governor of Podolsky eviction of different individuals found to have smuggled zanyatіi/ (occupier/occupied land?) fishing. 13.10.1876g. 58 sheets

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 369 
On the expulsion of the Jew, Motia Oksman (smuggler). 17.03.1875g. 7 sheets 

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 371 
On the expulsion of Jew, Aaron Moshka Rabenkih (Ryabenko?). 22.12.1873g. 3 sheets. Case retired

Fund 442 Inventory 52 Case 388 
At the request of peasants. Tereshok Zadorozhnogo, Klimenko, Koval and Salo to evict Jew Podolsky (or Podolsky Jews??). 26.12.1873g. 1 sheet. Case retired 

Fund 442 Inventory 69 Case 128 
By otnoshenіyu Novorossіyskogo and Bessarabian Governor-General on legitimate ____? in the case of Jews in Tauride province Shnaev, Jews Teveliviche (?) Lokshe, Belklere (?), Meister, Shifman (Shirmanov or Shearman?) and Malkovich 

Fund 442 Inventory 157 418 Case
Correspondence with Volyn Volyn province by the board and governor for permission merchant from Dubno, Volyn province, Shniteyman F. to go to Siberia with her husband and banished into exile for their participation in the preparation of the assassination of police chief, Kurbatov. 6.21-10.09.1846g. 8 sheets

Fund 442 Inventory 163 298 Case 
By Franciszek Herman allegedly improper reference to his daughter Anna in Siberia on izvetu (?) and malice kako (?) (w), is an application for Ostap (?) pereizsledovanіi (?) affairs, to whom referred to her daughter suffered from exile. 1852 1853gg.

Fund 442 Inventory 195 Case 20 
colonists to resettle. 1834.

Fund 442 Inventory 521 126 Case 
For merchant Feldman about her husband, who is expelled by the verdict of society in Siberia, and assigned to another merchant society. 28.11. 1883. 21 sheet

Fund 442 Inventory 522 235 Case 
Decree of the Senate and the governor of Chernigov letter to evict Jews from the villages of Chernigov province.

Fund 442 Inventory 543 Case 3 
On appeal by evicted merchant, Yankel Miryury, at it from a. Bolshoy Zhmerinka.

Fund 442 Inventory 544 Cases 88, 57, 70, 139, 148, 225, 284 

Case of the eviction of Jews from the countryside for usury, speculation, a violation of the law of 03.05.1882g. in Kiev, Podolia and Volyn provinces. 1891.

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