Sunday, January 28, 2024

1920-1938 Stanistawow Poland [Ivano-Frankivsk Ukraine]



Identifier: irn34982 or 

Accession Number: 2008.12, 

RG Number: RG-31.064M. 

F. 6, O. 3

Languages: Polish, German, English, Russian, Czech

116,398 JPEG Images; 11 microfilm digitized reels

From Archive: Derzhavnyi Arkhiv Ivano-Frankivskoi Oblasti [State Archives of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region]

The records are downloadable & are arranged alphabetically in the order of the Russian alphabet.

According to USHMM, the passports enabled travel abroad for business, medical treatment, or pleasure. The applications were reviewed & approved by the Stanislawow County Executive Office, 1918-1938. Typically, they included correspondence with foreign embassies/consulates, original passports, government officials, official documents & certificates, etc.

Monday, January 15, 2024


 WHO ARE THEY?: Are These Your Relatives? (#22+)

Others in the “Who Are They” Series:

Some More: 

1820 PODOLSK PROVINCE PASSPORT: Bratslav tradesman & resident of Tulchin, Chaim Gershevich Buller

Document: was good for 1 year [April 1820-1821].

Physical description: dark complexion, slightly pockmarked, brown eyes, hooked nose, black hair, small wart below right eye.

Age: 23


Permitted to live only in those places where Jews were permitted to live.

1894 Kovno City Council 1st Guild Certificate [#470], issued to Kovno merchant, Moisey Lvovich Rosenblat 

--issued by Kovno 1st guild city council for 1 year

--stamp from Kovno City Pollice Dept.---residence permit issued on Nov. 22 1895, #234. Family:

wife: Esther, 45

daughter: Sophia, 24

son: Yakov, 28

Yakov's family:

wife: Sophia, 23

son: Lazarus, 2 yr. 4 months

daughter: Cecilia, 1 yr. 3 months

daughter: Ida, died in 1894

Family List:

Palestine ID Card: Ita-Fajga Araten

--Birth: 1897, Kielce

--Residence: Tel Aviv

Palestine ID Card: Jerachmiel Araten [is he Ita-Faja's relative?

--Residence: Haifa

1932 Polish Passport [#273449-issued in Warsaw]: Morduchowicz Fejga

--Birth: 1905 in ___?


1930 & 1947 Polish ID Cards: Wolf Rinder


--Birth: January 15, 1913 in Potok Zloty (Tarnopol, Poland. Today, Ukraine)
--Parents: Chaim & Pepi
--Residence: Monasterzyska

--Residence: Katowice Poland

1917 [WWI] Wilkomierz, Lithuania Passport: Issued to a Jewish Lithuanian Woman, Kozhe Garb.

--Birth:March 1876 in Wilkomierz
    Maiden name: Pelikan
--Physical: Scar on left side of forehead
--page 7: Handwritten entry for Israel Garb (her husband???), December 1912

1960 Uruguay Passport: Alda Feder Lifshitz de Arlin 

--Birth:August 16 1900 in Palestine
--Residence: Montevideo


1921 Netherlands Passport (#3650): Rebecca Linnewiel 

--Birth: September 7 1864 in Rotterdam Holland

Thursday, January 11, 2024


 GARF: F. 124, Inv. 12, Case 1193a: 

Case regarding detainees who attended a Dvinsk Bund meeting on February 28, 1903 [ proceedings were in March 1905]

"A Bund meeting was held at Lyak's house on Kuznechnaya St., Dvinsk".

    **note: no other information is available!!**

Included below are the names & ages for the individuals:

1. Schneerson Rebekkah Yakovlevna, 22

2. Schneerson Eliog (?) Abramov, 25

3. Gresselberg Abram-Gessel Wulfov, 23

4. Dembo Schneier Srolev, 17

5. Slezinger Noson Voselev-Abelev, 18

6. Krol Mostov Ioselev, 19

7. Kizberg Abram Leizerov, 18

8. Meierov Shevel-Zelik Shliomoiv, 17

9. Katz Sora Getsileva, 22

10. Pliskin Shevel Davidov, 21

11. Aronovich Ester-Diska Samoilkova, 18

12. Berezina Alta-Khaska Borukhova, 17

13. Vinokur Itka Khaimovna-Ioseleva, 18

14. Garber Khasya Moteleva, 17

15. Glazman Sora-Riva Khaimova-Aroniova, 17

16. Glik Etka Shmuilova-Borukhova, 17

17. Grubina Leya-Dina Nokhumova, 18

18. Gutman Gitel Yankeleva, 19

19. Itsikman Malka Itsikova-Moisheva, 15

20. Ioffe Meikhel Isserov, 16

21. Kagan Abram-Movsha Melikhov, 17

22. Kurland/Kourland Dveyra Davidova, 19

23. Kurland/Kourland Khava Lazareva-Neukhova, 20

24. Lapidus Iosel Abelev, 16

25. Lyubovich Etka Movsheva, 17

26. Mamin Sholom-Yankel Movshev-Borukhov, 16

27. Milner Belka/Beila Kusheleva, 19

28. Premza Sonya Lvova, 21

29. Strunina Khiena Davidova, 16

30. Fine/Fayn Frada Moteleva, 18

31. Fliter Maryasya Shmuleva, 17

32. Fonarev Movsha-Girsh Leibov, 17

33. Fridland Khava Leibova, 20

34. Tzadkina Beila Nokhumova, 15

35. Shteyn Rokha Girsheva, 17

36. Bik Veniamin Nokhimov-Mendelev, 18

37. Sing Yosel-Leiba Nokhumov-Mendelev, 18

38. Vysokolskiy David Leibov, 19

39. Goldshteyn Yosel Leizerov, 18

40. Gordon David Ioselev, 22

41. Gofung Berel-Zelik Yudelev, 19

42. Gofung Gersh-Leizer Yudelev, 17

43. Gurvich Yankel Ovseev, 19

44. Deych/Deitch David Leiov, 17

45. Dobrusin Evel Itskov, 21

46. Katzel Zelik Abramov, 18

47. Kellem Movsha Ruvinov, 21

48. Leibovich Abe Khaimov, 17

49. Margolis Bentzian Zalmanov, 27

50. Naygus Leizer Shlomov-Itsikov, 19

51. Neyslos Ilya Aronov-Abramov, 18

52. Ozernikov Itska Khaimov, 18

53. Potash Movsha-Mikhel Meerov-Ioselev, 19

54. Ravdin Erukhim Itsikov, 19

55. Rogalsky Nison Abeloev, 16

56. Rumak Borukh Shliomov, 22

57. Sirotinsky Bentzian Leizerov, 26

58. Skutelsky Ruvin Mantzikov (?), 19

59. Skuy David-Ruvin Shmuylov, 25

60. Smotkin Shlioma Neukhov, 19

61. Treger Khatskel Efroimov-Leibov, 16

62. Uzdin Oser Vulfov, 17

63. Fayn/Fine Mendel Movshev, 19

64. Feldman Abram-Abel Motelev, 17

65. Finig Solomon Itskov, 17

66. Fischer Berka Beynesov, 17

67. Fliter Berka Ioselev-Simkhov, 18

68. Fridland Itska-Genoch Yankelev, 19

69. Khaid Itska-Simon Leibov-Berkov, 21

70. Chipek Khaim Izrailev, 17

71. Shapiro Faivish Pinkhusov, 20

72. Shpaer Nakhman Lipov, 17

73. Shuntup Silem-Borukh Simeonov-Yankelev, 19

74. Eydus Zalman Berkov, 26

75. Etin/Etsin Abram Borukhov, 17

76. Yakovlev Rakhmiel-Movsha Shliomov-Girshev, 21

77. Yakub Iosel Leibov-Yudelev, 17

78. Milonchik Abram Ioselev, 23 

79. Notel Abramov Avin, 23

80. Gliog Schneerson

81.Pokroy Leiba Mikhelev-Notkov, 22

82. Orukh Yakov Abramov, 23