Saturday, May 11, 2024

 National Historical Archives of Belarus [NIAB]: Jewish Population

F. 2640, op. 1

#399. Classification of an Ilyino-Velizhsky district resident. YESELSON Dovid Zalmanov, Velizhsky resident, to the family of his father, Zalman Erakhmielev, a resident of the Illyinsky Jewish community.

#403 Regarding the enrollment of the Polotsk resident, GERSHITZ Israel Dovidov [aka Alexander, & according to the 10th national census-Srul] among the townsmen of Gostoshel community, Kiev district.

#408. Case regarding the classification of a Kreslavka, Dinaburg U. tradesman, SANDLER Evel-Leyba Pershev & his family. They missed the 10th national census of the Kreslavka community.

#413. Case regarding the enrollment of ILYASHEVICH Iosel Ioselevich & his wife, KOTLYAR Gershon Meerov & his wife, GLANTERSHCHIKA Enta, & KHITRIN  Sora. They missed the 10th national census  for the Dinaburg community. The 1887 revision census-Ilyashevich I.I., Kotlyar G.M., Glantershchika M.E., Khitrin L.B., i.d. 207.

#414. Case regarding a resident from the village of Yanovichi, Vitebsk Uz., tradesman GUDOVICH Yuda Abramov & his family,  on the Vitebsk community family list for 1874, i.d., 2-3.

#415. Case regarding the assignment of Veniamin-Dovid, son of Vitebsk resident, Gershen Vulfov GUREVICH, to the family of Vitebsk tradesman, KITAEV Zalman Aronov, who adopted him.

#417. Classification case of  of an Osvei, Drissensky district resident. Rezhitsa citizen, Aron Yuda BERKOV and his family to the Drissen tradesman community.

#428. Regarding the enrollment of KHRAPKOV Shmuil Davydov, a Vitebsk resident of the Gorodoksky community, and his son, Moshchi, also a Vitebsk resident of Gorodoksy, as members of the Vitebsk community. 1887 Revision census, pp. 7-10.

#429. Classification of the Polotsk tradesman, Iofe Iokhil TSALKOV & his family as Polotsk merchants of the 2nd guild.

#430. Classification of a resident of the city of Velizh as a tradesman of the metro station Kolyshki, Vitebsk, RAIKHLIN Yoselya Zalmanova, with her family, to the Velizh community. 1887 Family List, pp. 2-3.

#431. Case regarding the inclusion of residents of the city of Dinaburg who missed the 10th national census to the Dinaburg community: GINZBURG Shevel Elyevich, EPSHTEYN Berku Chaimov, SHTEIN Zalman Shliomovich & their wives, Simon LEIBOV, gymnasium student & his family, BESHKIN Rivka, MELLER Renu, BRYN Sora, BIRKGAN Sora, FETEROVICH Gnesyu-Mozgovoy Zalmanov, MANOFIS Rivka.

#432. Case regarding classification of the residents of Livenhof  Dinaburg: tradesman of the Dinaburg community FAINSHTEYN Movshi Khaimov & the Jacobstadt community, LEVINSHTEYN Yankel Khatskelev, with their families.

#435. Case of classifying a tradesman of the Lyntup Jewish community of Sventsyansk, Vilna, KHARMATSI A.L. with his family to the Dinaburg community.

#436. Assignment of the Polotsk tradesman RIVLIN Sh. Ya. to the family of the father of the Polotsk 2nd guild merchant, RIVLIN Ya.-sh. I.

#438. Inclusion of the member of the Plis Jewish community of Disna, Vilna, GINZBURG S.-P.S. regarding the inclusion in the Lepel community.

#443. Case of the inclusion of the Lepel tradesman, SHEFTEL N.-L.H.-I. with his famly. They missed the 10th national census to the Lepel community.

#445. Regarding the assignment of a merchant resident of the Rudnya Orsha, Mogilev Prov. community: TSUKERMAN B.M. with his family to the Vitebsk community.

#446. Case of classifying a resident of the Chashnik metropolitan area, a tradesman of the Chashnitsky community of Lepel: GELMAN Ely Elyev, with his family to the Vitebsk community. 1874 Family List of the tradesman Gelman E.E., pp. 2-3.

#450. The city of Dinaburg, Vyshkovsky tradesman of the Dinaburg district, ULMAN G.A., with his family, classifying them to the Dinaburg community.

#451. Case of expulsion from the merchant class of Chaim Dovidov-Isaac, son of the 2nd guild merchant, GUREVICH of Rezhitsa, a student of the St. Petersburg University.

#452. Case of classifying a resident of the city of Dinaburg as a tradesman of the Postavy community of Disna, Vilna province. TSEPLOVICH Avsey Itsykova, with his family, in the Dinaburg community.

#454. Case concerning the addition to the family of Shmuil Yudelev VALERSHTEIN,a Dinaburg tradesman, of a foster boy, BRUMBERG Movsha Abramov, son of a widow, a tradesman of the  Sventsyansk community in Vilna province. Ents BRUMBERG.

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