Sunday, November 3, 2013


“List of People Subject to the Court of the Military Board, Supreme Court of the USSR”

Submitted-- NKVD -Belsky
 (3a. Stalin, Molotov, Zhdanov, Yezhov)

Source: AP RF, op. 24, case (delo) 409, sheet 197

BOGUSLAVSKY Michael Lazarevic
BUKSHTEYN Joseph Lazarevic
BYKHOVSKAYA Sergei Matveevich
GUY/GAY Mark Isaevich
GOLDFARB Ian Vladmirovich
LURIE Alexander Yakovlevich

Moscow Center, Moscow Region
October 21, 1937

AP RF, op.24, the case 412, sheet 75

AUERBACH Leonid Nikolayevich
ARONSON Alexander Yakovlevich
GOLLENDER/HOLLENDER Alexander Iosifovich
GUREVICH Moses Grigoryevich

ZALMAN Robert Petrovich.


AP RF , op.24 , the case 377, sheet 131

BEKNAZAROV Boris Lvovych
VOLNOVSKYY - TSYPYS Abram Borysovych
GREENBERG Gregory Davidovich
List of Arrested Members of Anti-Soviet Organizations (category 1)

AP RF, op.24 , Delo 421 , sheet 1

AVERBUH Vladimir Borisovich born in1889 , Beresino Byelorussian SSR, Jewish citizen of the USSR. "From 1905 to 1922 he was a member of the party " Poale Zion ." From 1922 to 1930 he was a member of the Palestine Communist Party Central Committee and secretary of the party. Arrested 4/8/36
 Accused of being a British agent.

AVERBUKH-GAMARNIK Savelievna Blyuma, born in 1892, native of m-ka Korostonishevo, USSR, Jewish; was sentenced to eight years in labor camp, as the wife of the traitor.

EISENBERG Alexander Abramovich, b. 1904, native of the mountains. Kerch, a Jew, By profession a journalist and critic. In 1936, he was arrested on suspicion of espionage, was released for lack of evidence. Before his arrest, he worked sporadically in newspapers.Was arrested 11/6/39.
09.06.40 List of arrested members of anti-Soviet organizations (category 2)

BARSKY Michael Savelievich , born in 1884, citizen of the USSR. Kirovograd, USSR , comes from a merchant family, a Jew, nonpartisan , college-educated , unmarried , by profession - a doctor. Before his arrest - Consultant clinic called " October Revolution."Arrested on __/27/39.

BRODSKY  Eugene/Yevgeny Grigoryevich 1908 , native of the mountains. Baku, the officers , a Jewish citizen of the USSR , with higher economic education .

VALIOVICH Benjamin Efimovich., born in 1896, native of the mountains. Edintsy / Bessarabia / nonpartisan, c. USSR. Before his arrest, he worked as an engineer on passenger transport business department of the central administration of the Navy Narkomvoda.

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