Wednesday, January 8, 2014


1912 PRZEMYSL (and Przeworsk): TELEPHONE BOOK

**see Natan Citron

The following information is from the 1912 Galicia Telephone book. The original information is in Polish.  The list of names included here is only a partial one.

p. 232/i. 174

Abeles A., Aberdam Jakob, Altstadt Berta, Ascher Samuel, Aschkenazy Dr. A., Aschkenazy: Leon, Salomon
Aschkenazy & Munz (banking house & currency exchange)
Astel M.

Baraniecki I Landau (lamp factory), Bernfeld Jakob, Bernstein L. & son (construction bsns.), Billig Leon, Bindiger Jozef, Blatt henryk, Blech, Dr. Bernard, Blech Wiktor, Bleicher, Dr. Jozef, Boritz Marek,

p. 234/175
 Brandstatter & Margulies, Brodheim A., Brodheim, Dr. Dawid, Brodheim Menache, Brucker Tobiasz, Buchband Mendel, Buchband Mojzesz, burger Esriel,

**Citron Natan**
--he is also in the 1879-1880 Stryj School Report found on this blog: (scroll to the posting, if necessary--it's at the bottom of the page)

Dawid:  Maksymilian Dr. (attorney), Maurycy Dr. (attorney)
Deutsch Mojzesz, Dienstag Samuel, Dienstl Lubin, Diller Abraham, Dintenfass A., Dromelschlager Jozef, Drucker S.

p. 235/175

Ehrlich:   Hugo Dr. (medical doctor); Ehrlich S. Dr. (attorney)
Ellner Chaim, Ettinger Marek

Feingold Bracia

Gans:  Dr. Bernard (attorney), Hirsch; Gans M.I. & Mendel Halpern
Gans Leisor (Jakob Ozyasz Mierzym, VIII)—trade in colonial goods & spices
Glanz:  Adolf;  Jakob Dr. (president of the Jewish congregation)
Godel Jozef, Gold Wilhelm, Goldfarb, Dr. Joachim, Goliger Dawid, Grossman Leiser, Guttmann Markus

Hass, Dr. Daniel, Hacke Markus, Halpern Wolf

p. 236-37/i. 176

Hausmann M. & T. Morgenstern
Herzig:   Saul; Dr. Bertold
Hirschfeld Jakob, Hirt Mojzesz

Isaak Jozef

Keller Dawid, Dr. (med. doctor), Klagsbald & Honigwachs, Klang Mojzesz, Klein Juliusz, Korner Berisch, Krys Isydor

Landau S.,
Laufer:   Efroim; Socia
Leinkauf J. Liebermann Herman Dr. (attny.), Lowenthal Israel

Mahler Izdor, Mandel Berl, Mannheim Dr. Zygmunt (med. doctor), Mantel:  Dr. Eliasz (attny), Mantl Dr. Jozef (attny.), Margulies dr. Izydor (attny.), Mehr Zygmunt, Meisels Jonas, Melon Dawid, Mendrochowicz Leon Dr. (attny.),
Mester  Henryk Dr. (attny), Mester I. Dr. (attny)

Nacht Rubin

Peiper Dr. Leon (attny.), Perl Osias

p. 238-39/177

Pohorill Jakob, Pordes Dr. Mayer (med. doctor), Probstein dr. Leon (attny.)

Rabinowicz:   Jakob; Arnold, Rappaport I.M.,  Rappaport J.M.
Rebhan Abraham, Reich & Jakubowits,
Reich: Dr. K. (attny); Samuel Dr. (med. doctor)
Reisner Jakob, Reisner S. & Grossmana Ch. Sons, Reizner Ida,
Rosenzweig:   Benzion; Dawid
Roth Leib

Schachter:  Dr. Abraham (attny.);  Dr. Sam (med. doctor)
Schiffer Majer, Shorr Adolf Dr. (attny), Schwarz Michal Dr., Schwarz & Robinsohn
Selzer Jakob, Silber Samuel, Smolarski Dr. Zygmunt (doctor), Sobel & Margulies, Styfi Jozef (printing house), Susswein Dr. Juliusz, Szancer Julian, Szeinbach Dr. Jozef (attny), Jewish Hospital

Tarnawski Leonard Dr. (attny), Taubenfeld H., Tauber J. Dr. (attny), Tauber & Herzig (currency exchange & shipping house),
Teitelbaum: Zofia; Manes
Thumim Mojzesz (iron trade), Thumim M & J.I. (banking house), Credit Society of Judah
p. 240-41/178

Weissman Samuel, Wiklera Jakoba Wwa (?), Wojtowicz Julian

Zupnik:  Artur;  Dr. Leon (attny.)
Englard Eisig (leaseholder runs pubs and brewery)

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