Tuesday, March 31, 2015


My sincere thanks again to Arnold Chamove whose contribution of these materials made this post possible.

Doc.# 840

           on June 5 1895

 Chersonsky region
 Odessa Province
The town of Odessa
Bulvarny quarter

Kanatnaya street
House 2a Brodsky
Flat #6
List #1,  record 3

There live: 4 men and 4 women
3 of both sexes live there permanently
Non peasants: 4 men and 3 women

 the signature of the person making this record

Doc. #841
1. Svet Aron Yankelevich, the head of the family, 34 years old, married citizen, the place of birth – Mirgorod, Poltavsky reg, Jew, literate, graduated from vocational school, извозчик

2. Svet Sheyva Chaimovna, a wife, 30 years old, married, born in the town of Mayaky Cherson reg., registered in the town of Mirgorod, Poltavsky reg., lives in Odessa, Jew,  literate, studied at home, is kept by her husband.

3. Svet Yakov Chaim Aronovich, a son, 7 years old, born in Odessa, registered in the town of Mirgorod, Poltavsky reg., lives in Odessa, Jew, kept by parents.

4. Svet Mordko Aronovich, a son, 1 year old, born in Odessa, registered in the town of Mirgorod, Poltavsky reg., lives in Odessa, Jew, kept by parents.

5. Kushnir Ester Chaimovna, sister-in-law, 22 years old, maiden,  born in the town of Mayaky Cherson reg., registered in the town of Mayaky Cherson reg., lives in Odessa, Jew,  literate, studied at home, is kept by her sister

6. Kolchaskaya Yelena Mironovna, a servant, 47 years old, born in Odessa, registered in the town of Cherson, lives in Odessa, Russian, illiterate, a nurse

7. Leykan Shlioma Yehatskelev, a lodger, 32 years old, born in the town of Gradizhsk, Cherson region, registered in the town of Gradizhsk, Cherson region,, lives in the town of Kremenchug, Poltava region, temporarily lives in Odessa, Jew, literate, studied at home, a cook.

8. Matiushyscheva Maria Minina, a servant, 20 years old, a peasant, born in the village of Cteblevy, Kanev district, Kiev region, registered in the village of Cteblevy, Kanev district, born in  the village of Cteblevy, Kanev district, temporarily lives in Odessa, Russian, a cook.

          The signature of the person who filled in this form:  Aron Svet

Doc. #843
Financial Department: Information regarding real estate

Doc. #845
Information about property in the town of Odessa:

the plot with the buildings #11, Lermontovsky Lane, 5  286,4

the former owner   Isakovich Rashel Moiseyeva,

the new owner  Adler Isak Chaimovich

 it was bought on March 24, 1914

Doc. # 846
This document confirms the new property of Adler.

Doc. #847
Same as Doc. #845

Doc. #956

Folio Title: 1890 Jewish People Born in Odessa

Doc. #958

# 507     April 1, in the town of Odessa, Parents: the citizens of Mirgorod, Poltavsky region, Aron Yankelevich Svet and his wife Sheyva, their son Yakov Chaim, born on March 26, 

Doc. #959
Folio Title: 1895 Jewish People Born in Odessa

Doc. #961

# 182     In the town of Odessa. Parents:, the citizens of Mirgorod, Poltavsky region Aron Yankelevich Svet and his wife Sheyva, their son Mordko, born on December 8.

Doc. # 962
Folio Title:1889  Book of Jewish Marriages in Odessa

Doc. #967
#304 Mirgorod citizen Aron Yankelevich Svet, 28 years old and Sheyva Chaimovna Kushnir 28 years old


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