Monday, August 11, 2014


"Accidents in Warsaw" is based on data from a publication, "The Voice" (Glos)

Gerecht Izrael –illegal distillery
Zin Leon, 21—accident on the Vistula
Klejman Abraham –distillery owner of illegal distillery
Goncza Srul—Liquor—illegal distillery
Futerman Szmul—illegal distillery
Gora chaim—illegal distillery
Katz Sura Chana, 60—died
Zachberg Abraham, 27—murder
Zylberg cywia, 65—died
Steingrutz Mosul—illegal distillery
Hanneberg ______---factory owner, accident

Saifeld Ch.—illegal distillery
Gerlach Z.—theft
Pinczow Ryfka, 6—accident
Liba Hanna, 8—escape
Goldberg R—reservist—escape
Lejchenbach, 24—drowning
Epsztejn Samuel--theft
Badzior Marek—theft
Milenbach Nusem—clandestine mill
Berlin/Berlinski Edward—died
Lucknow Efroim, 35—bandit attack
Wisniewska ruchla—bandit attack
Siskin Abram, 19—traffic accident
Gerszon Tauba—theft

Berman Moszek—illegal distillery
Kawenbaum Chaim Szlom—illegal distillery
Niubauer Ewa—theft attempt
Hersz Choinka—thief, shooting
Czarniecki Strul, 9—fall from height
Chalka Jankiel –illegal distillery
Ber Dawid, 4—disappearance
Kranc Icek—disappearance
Horgensztejn Moszek –distiller—illeg. distill.
Garfinkl Jankiel Dawid—illeg. Distill.
Farber Nuchym—attempted suicide

Dyskin Chaja—theft
Szenantowicz Fajga-theft
Sztabholt Benjamin—sudden death
Szwarcbard Szmul, 8—disappeared
Feldman Mozes—robbery or assault
Lejdenzypf Izaak—suicide attempt
Rappaport Hersz, 60—traffic accident
Steinsznajder Hersz—illeg. distillery
Gotlieb Henry—carbon monoxide poisoning
Mola Jakub—robbery
Kleknweis, Uszer 25—drowning
Dluska Chana, 24--injury
Swiatlo Nuchym—illeg. distill.
Szpiegelman Nute—illeg. distill.
Pilas Wiktor, 23—drowning

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