1885-86 Academic Yr: Student List from
Moscow Imperial University
Published: 1885, Moscow, University
Press (M. Katkov)
The following is a partial list of Jewish (or possibly
Jewish) students who attended Moscow Imperial University (I don’t know what the
numbers represent. Maybe one of you could tell us.) The order of names is as
found in the publication.
The remainder of the list will be published soon---keep checking!
The remainder of the list will be published soon---keep checking!
“Jur”= Jurisprudence/Law, “Honey”= Medical, “Eats”=Natural History or Natural
Science, “Mat”=Math)
Abram Itshok. Eating 1.
Mihail. Jur. 3.
Osherovich Pinkhas (secondary) Honey.
Osher (secondary) Honey. 1.
(Pakhman) Haim-Ber (secondary) Jur. 1.
Moses (Moisey). Honey. 3.
Alexander (secondary) Jur. 3.
Vladimіr. Eats. 1.
Lev (secondary) Jur. 5.
Girsh. Jur. 1.
EІy Abram. Honey. 7.
Abram. Honey 5K
Pines Gershon. Honey. 5 K.
Pines Lev. Eats. 1.
Pinsker Fayvish-Heschel. Honey. 5K
Pdis Simon (Semen). Honey. 5.
Shlomo (secondary) Honey. 5.
Poznyak Khaim-Boruch. Honey. 5.
Polons EІy
Moses (Moisey). Jur. 4 K.
Polyak Savelіy.
Jur. 4
Polyak Shlіoma.
Eats. 1.
Polyakov Samuil (secondary) Jur. 1.
Price/Prays Abram. Honey. 5.
Puritsa Solomon. Jur. 4 K.
Abraam. Honey. 3.
Rabinovich Isaak, Eats. 1.
Rabinovich Samuil. Honey. 5K
Ragoіer David. Honey. 1.
Rayhlin Azrіel
(secondary) Honey. 5.
Rakovschik Yankel. Honey. 3.
Boris. Jur. 1.
Reysler Venіamin.
Honey. 5.
Reyhman (Reykhman) Yulіus
(Julius) Andreas-Louis (Louie)(secondary) Jur. 1.
Rig Haim-Leyb. Honey. 5.
Rit Vulf. Honey. 5.
Yakob. Jur. 3.
Rozenbaum Bolf. Jur. 1.
Rozenberg Nahim-Gershon
(Nakim-Gershon). Jur. 1.
Rozenberp Srul (Israel) Jur. 3.
Rozenblyum Aleksapdr. Jur. 5.
Rozenbdyum (German) Haim. Jur. 5.
Rozengardt Benіayin.
Eats. 3.
Rosenthal Tsko (Isaak) Jur. 5.
Rosenthal Elіas
(Eduard) Jur. 4 K.
Rozenfeld Lipa-Binyamin. Jur. 5
Rozentsveyg Vitalіy-Haim
(secondary) Eats. 1
"Rozin Adeksandr. Math. 4 K.
Royzman (Roisman) Zelik-Haim
(secondary) Honey.
Roskin Іosif.
Jur. 3.
Rotberg Abraam Med. 5 K.
Rubinshteyn Rubinovii Іosed
(Osip) Jur. 3.
Mendel (Maks) Honey. 1.
Rѣznikov Abram. Honey. 3.
Rѣznikov Leizer. Jur. 5.
Semidalov Venіamin.
Honey. 5.
Sirvint Leizer. Jur. 5.
Slonim Israel-Iser (secondary) Honey.
Slѣpyav (Slaepyav/Sleepyav)
Morduh. Eats. 1.
Sh. Azheks Jur. 4 K.
Soloveychik Leizer-Yankel. Eats. 3.
Sonkin Lazarus. Honey 5.
Son Izrash-Eselev (Yossel). Jur. 3.
Schensnovich Lev (secondary) FIH 5.
Tager Burke. (Berka)Honey.
Terskih LEV (secondary) Jur. 3 ..
Tokel Mark Aron. Jur. 1.
Tombaher Іosif.
Math. 3.
Umanets Lev. Honey. 3.
Usanovich Isaak. Jur. 1.
Faas Yakoy. Jur. 4 K.
Faynberg Nahim (secondary) Honey. 5.
Fammіant Srul-Mordko. Jur. 4
Feldshteyn Michael. Jur. 1.
Feldshteyn Schulim (Solomon) Ure, 4 5.
Vogel/Fogel Haim-Leib. Honey. 7.
Frankel Lazar (Leizer) Honey. 5 K.
Frankel Levi Itsko (LEV) (secondary)
Honey. 5.
Fridberg Isaak (secondary) Honey. 5K
Fridenson David. Honey. 7.
Frumkin Isai. Eats. 1.
Fyurst Avraam (Adbert) Jur. 1.
Halanay (Khalanay) Gersh. Honey. 5.
Haras (Kharas) David. Honey. 1.
Hvostov (Khvostov) Venіamin.
Jur. 1.
Hodzhayavts (Khodzhayavts)
Leon. Mat. - 3.
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