Saturday, July 27, 2013


(continuation, #2)
The following is a short list of those who were Jewish victims of the Nazis during WWII in the city of Poltava, Ukraine. The information is based on "The Book of Sorrow in the Ukraine" (Vol. 1), which no longer appears to be available online ( Most individuals were shot and buried in Poltava.

The numbers in parentheses are either the birth date/year or the number of people with the same surnames. For any additional information about the individuals appearing on this list only, please use the "comments" at the bottom of this blog post's page.

Dymshyts (3), Dorfman (3), Drannykova (2), Drebynska (9), Dubynsky (3)

Edelman (2), Edlin (6), Eydelman (5), Elkin, Elkonin (2), Esterin (5)

Zhyvotovska, Zhuraviev, Zalischansky, Zaslavsky (7), Zeliksan, Zelberg, Zelkina, Zisman, Zlatkina (2), Zlachevsky (4), Zolotkovsky (3)

Ivensky (5), Ilyevsky (2), Iolina, Itkin (3)

Kagan (4), Kaydanovsky (4), Kalvaser (2), Kanevska (3), Kaplan (2), Kapovsky (2), Kaspersky, Katz (4), Kvalvaser (2), Keytman, Kerzanko (2), Kogan (4), Kozel (3), Korsunska (2), Kofman (2)

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