Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Hi All,
Here's a list from the 1916 Memorial Book of the Mogilev Province (author: I. I. Marchenko). The names, abbreviations, and spellings are as found in the publication. I have left a blank,________, or a (?) when I couldn't read or was unsure of some of the information. These are the names of individuals who were or may have been Jewish and who were members of the boards, associations, organizations, etc. listed below:

Provincial Prison Board of Trustees:
Haim Leib Landau

Total______________ Exchequer:
Khatskel Naymark, Lev Moise Shmerling/Shmarling, Girsha/Hirsch Movsha Ratner, Dovid Meir Hirsh, Izr. Iofe  Shevel

D. Ginzburga, Grig. Nikol Gerstfeld

Provincial Office on Factory and Mining Industrial Affairs:
Bor. Meyer Zhislin

Alexandriyska (Alexandria?) Community, Russian Red Cross Society:
Outpatient Clinic: Dentist (?) Yak. Boris. Litvin


The City Duma:
Lev Moise Shmerling,  Borukh Ytsk. Ebin

Seven-Class School of Commerce:
Lavar’ Solom. Kagan

Lav. Solom. Kagan, Mois. Isaak Blavshteyn, Leyba/Leib Isaak Shik, Leyba Yeoyel/Eoel Kagan, Nakhm. Leyb. Zakgeym

The Jewish Vocational School:
Girsh Woolf Kagan (technical engineer)
Teachers: Moise Idel Ratner, Lev David Barzeyl, Arov-Moise Fayb. Khavkia/Havkia, Zalm.-Yevel Fayb. Khavkin/Havkin, N. Il Rubnich, ___Fish, Shmuyl.-Izroil Nayshtag, Serg. Osip. Dovgyallo, Izr. Peysakh Fefer.

Society for the Spread of Secondary Education, Mogilev:
Ephraim Gisen, Lev Mozhs. Shmerling (treasurer), Izr. Iofe Shev__ (secretary), Eug. Ios. Bychkov, Laz. Saul/Solom. Kagan, Isaak Bor. Kaletsmy, Vulf Khazhm/Hazhm. Gatovshy

About the Welfare of Needy Female Students from the S.L. Zalsskoy Gymnasium:
Yelena Geori. Shleysner, Bor. Mikh. Zhislin, Isaak Grig. Shulman

The Island (?) Board of Benefits for the Poor Jews of Mogilev:
Lev Moise Shmerling, Laye. Ilich ZMerkin, L. Silberman (treasurer), Dove Hatsk/Khatsk Pvvzner (secretary), Abr. Yak. Landau
“members: provisions” Mend. Yelyev/Elev Variant, Ilya Yefim Vidorovich, Ayvik Yudel Ginzburg, Rav Solom. Yak. Kagan,  Zakhar/Zaharsh Sholom Kagan, Z-lm/W-lm Gzhlel Rivlin Feld, Ruvin Zalm. Plutes, Schmier/Shmer. Hatsk./Khatsk. Morgalin

The Committee of the Jewish Colonial Society:
Doctor Laz. Solom. Kagan, B. Sadovaya Ratayera/Rataera, Sh. Z. Lurye/Lurie, S. Kagan, KH-N. L. Zakgeym

(more to come in another post)

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